Friday, July 20, 2012

summer reading

so far doing good
How's your summer reading going? Have any recommendations? 


  1. I read a lot this summer :D I've read some parody novel which includes zombies, I don't know if you may like it but it's fun to read :) I also read novels by Preston & Child, it's some kind of thriller and it's really goo.

    I see that you've read "The hunger games". Did you like it? :)

    1. I've only read the first one in the series but I really did enjoy it and can't wait to read the rest. I've read "dawn of the dreadful s" which was a zombie paradoy and thought it was a hoot! which one did you read?

  2. I've also read the first one of the Hunger Games trilogy, I found it really good too but I have to wait for the other ones because they are all borrowed in the library :p

    I've read "Dawn of the Dreadful" and also "Queen victoria, demon hunter" by A. E. Moorat ^^ It's pretty fun! :)
